sccd, slovak centre for communication and development, slovenske centrum pre komunikaciu a rozvoj

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EUSTORY je súťaž, ktorá prebieha v mnohých štátoch v Európe. Víťazi národných súťaží majú možnosť sa za odmenu a ocenenie svojej práce stretnúť na spoločnom summite, ktorý sa po prestávke, zapríčinenej pandémiou, opäť koná prezenčne. Tentoraz bude stretnutie v Prahe, v dňoch 28. 9. až 2.10. 2023. Aj našich víťazov oslovia kolegovia priamo z centra EUSTORY v Hamburgu a budú ich prostedníctvom mailu informovať o tomto celoeurópskom stretnutí.

EUSTORY Summit je jedinečná možnosť pre mladých účastníkov nielen sa vzájomne zoznámiť, zabaviť a inšpirovať, ale zúčastniť sa aj veľmi kvalitného programu. Počas troch dní sa budú konať tri hlavné workshopy. Spoločným jazykom bude angličtina,

Toto je program skopírovaný z webu


In Dialogue with memories

Narrating Europe: Stories of Identity and Belonging


Where can we find stories that form our history? What can we learn about society from the way we look at the past? 

This workshop invites you to experience how different perspectives can produce divergent versions of history.  

We invite you to share stories – personal or collective – from the past and reflect on the way biographies, identities, and belonging to certain communities or countries influence our perception of history. 

In small groups, you will shape interactive, action-based workshops, re-negotiate forms of remembrance, and create your own “European Museum of History” by uniting diverse voices and experiences from your workshop group. 

Join us on a journey through Europe and explore how its (hi-)stories are shaping our lives. Showcase your creativity: what will your European Museum of History look like?APPLY NOW!

In cooperation with


In Dialogue About Scenarios to Come

Mapping the Future: A Forecast Lab for Tomorrow’s Europe

Photo: Sara Kurig, Unsplash

How does the interplay between our past, present and future work? Which developments, continuities and changes can we expect to come? 

In this workshop, you will look back to think forward, dive into the world of forecasting and develop different scenarios of the future. 

Bring your questions about the future and explore the thin line between art, science and craft: Working in small groups and using real-life cases, you will focus on developing practical forecasting skills with just the right amount of theoretical background. 

Develop a toolkit and get equipped to better navigate the uncertainties of the future. Will you even predict the unpredictable?APPLY NOW!

In cooperation with staff members of Tipping Point Consulting


In Dialogue With Stone And Concrete

Tracing Places: Buildings With a Painful Past on Trial

Photo: wikimedia commons

How to deal with a dark past when it’s cast in stone? How to balance between commemorating victims and using historic spaces today?

In this workshop, you will negotiate ways of coping with architectural traces of difficult pasts. 

Your starting point is Petschkův Palác, a building with a multifaceted history – from a Jewish family’s bank to the German Gestapo’s headquarter, and now the Czech Ministry of Trade. Discover its history and share similar cases from your home countries to discuss the questions and responsibilities emerging from this building today. By transforming your group’s discussion results into a small handbook, you will develop your own recommendations for how to approach and care for painful places. 

Explore Petschkův Palác and face the questions and challenges coming along with stony, silent witnesses of a dark past. Where does commemoration begin and where does it end?
